A Day in My Life




Color Palette

Color Palette

Pie Chart

Pie Chart


Hi my name is Caleb and in this presentation I talked about how I managed and used my time in the past 24 hours and I was pretty surprised to find out the results. The first thing I spent doing out of 24 hours in a day was sleeping, and sleeping took up over 30% of my day and that isn’t really surprising to me. The next thing that took up most of my day was big surprise School. School took up 29% of my day which again isn’t really surprising to me. The next thing that actually surprised me was how much time I spent playing video games. Playing video games takes up 12% of my day which to me is a little bit shocking but at the same time I’m not really surprised. The next thing that kind of shocked me was YouTube. The Daily amount of YouTube I watch is 8% of my day. Everything else that goes on in my day averages up to about 16% of my day which involves family time, eating, doing homework, and transportation from and to school.That just shows you besides sleeping and going to school I’m a pretty big person on technology. So will this chart change on how long I will spend playing video games and watching YouTube to be honest, probably not but you never know.



The Documentary

What I Learned

Body language is important

Body language can show how some people feel.

Nonverbal are different from verbals

Change little things to make big differences

They’re are 7 deadly voices to change someones voice.










Voice can change an outcome

Have brakes when you talk.



Can You Hear This?

Listen Smart – Safely Handling the Power of Sound


  • Take notes on listening safely
  • The louder the sound, the less you can be next to the sound. If you hear a ring in your ears, then you have a sound hangover.SoundAdvice.info For Audio Career Tips
    • Examine soundadvice.info for information about sound safety in the workplace
    • Take notes on sound careers and safety
  • Chart of Sound in the Environment

Percussion and brass can cause high sound levels

Another Chart of Sound in the Environment

Image from soundadvice.info

Sound Levels Chart

Image from hearnet.com