Silent film

Vancouver Film School

Emerging Sound Designers Learn Their Craft on Cutting-Edge Equipment at CC images at flicker


The goal that I want was to set the tone of a silent film. A personal goal I have is to learn how to edit video and sound.

21st Century Skills

I didn’t really know what we should have made. Our team didn’t really talk to each other that much and I think that didn’t help our film. I used  GarageBand to make the music. I don’t know what I want to do in the future for a career.



Students thought that the film was incomplete

Evaluation of Final Version

The film wasn’t bad but it could have been a lot better then what it was. I don’t think the music wouldn’t have matched the film and sound good. What I Learned and Problems I Solved was that communication is key and important.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned that I need to be able to make music in a time limit.


Michael is someone who is willing to work, and won’t give up that easily. Michael is a friend that I’ve known for 6 months now because of the classes that I have with him. A standout trait that Michael has is that he is always ready to think outside of the box. Michael is always happy no matter how bad things can get in the team or field of work. I would recommend Michael because he would keep things calm when you working and he would be a good member of the team.


The Heist

CC image Jonathan Director at Flicker


The goal I had for this project was to make a decent film and that what’s our team accomplished. What I did to help the team and make the goal was helping with coming up with ideas of for the film.

21st Century Skills

The Heist

Reactions To Final Version

Evaluation Of Final Version

What I Learned And Problems I Solved

Tea Production Project

Creative Commons Image SonnySixteen Film at Flickr


The goal that I want to make in editing is to keep organized and to keep track of all my progress. A personal goal I have is to learn how to edit well.

21st Century Skills

I didn’t really know what we should have made. Our team didn’t really talk to each other that much and I think that didn’t help our film. I used adobe premiere pro to edit. I don’t know what I want to do in the future for a career.



Reactions to Final Version

Edited to jump around more

Files labeled

Evaluation of Final Version

The film wasn’t bad but it could have been a lot more better then what is was. I don’t think I did bad when it came to the editing for the first time but I know I could have done better.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned that being organized is important. I also learned that I need to cut parts of video that don’t need to be there.

How Children Succeed

Marshmallows Image by John-Morgan at

Radio Lab – Your Future in a Marshmallow

  • Choice Vs Fate
  • 4 year olds can resist temptation better then younger kids
  • Kids who didn’t eat the marshmallow and waited longer, they did better at school and at home
  • The kids who fall the marshmallow did worst and the test and got in trouble at school

This American Life

This American Life podcast Back to School

  • What should kids be learning in school
  • Cognitive development
  • People can learn the same amount of knowledge that you can learn in high school in just a few months
  • Non-cognitive skills
  • Self control
  • Trauma

MDA Framework and Genre


it describes the particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms.


It describes the run-time behavior of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each others outputs over time.


It describes the desirable emotional responses evoked in the player, when she interacts with the game system.

Eight Type of Aesthetics

  1. Sensation (Game as sense-pleasure): Player experiences something completely unfamiliar.
  2. Fantasy (Game as make-believe): Imaginary world.
  3. Narrative (Game as drama): A story that drives the player to keep coming back
  4. Challenge (Game as obstacle course): Urge to master something. Boosts a game’s replayability.
  5. Fellowship (Game as social framework): A community where the player is an active part of it. Almost exclusive for multiplayer games.
  6. Discovery (Game as uncharted territory): Urge to explore game world.
  7. Expression (Game as self-discovery): Own creativity. For example, creating character resembling player’s own avatar.
  8. Submission (Game as pastime): Connection to the game, as a whole, despite of constraints.

Game pitch

  1. Game Title


  2. Game Genre

    2-D Jumping game/reaction

  3. Overview: The basics of the game

    The player is always running

Avoid obstacles by jumping

Survive as long as you can

Short and tall obstacles

Gaps to jump over

Player Rules

Tap to jump over small obstacles/gaps

Hold and release to jump over tall/ big obstacles and gaps

Gameplay Mode

Basic game mode


forest to snow to lava to desert.


Just survive

Core Features in the Game: Clearly describe each feature and explain why it is important

Jumping is important because you need to jump to avoid obstacles.

Game Mechanics

One life, run and jump. Points, coins. You get points by grabbing the coins. Jump on other platforms

Game Balance:

Once you die, you have to restart and the father you get, the more points you can get.

Victory Conditions:

You can’t win the game, you only can go as far as possible and get as many points as possible